Price Checker Usage Terms

By using the CheckIt Plus Price Checker Service, you agree to the following terms:

Service Description: CheckIt Plus provides a service that identifies potential savings for products based on the URL provided by the user.

Payment Obligation: By utilising our Price Checker, you expressly acknowledge and agree that if CheckIt Plus identifies a saving of £10 or more compared to the price provided in your URL (inclusive of delivery costs), you are obligated to pay a service fee of £5 to CheckIt Plus.

Invoicing: Upon the identification of savings meeting or exceeding £10, an invoice will be promptly sent to you with detailed payment instructions.

Non-Payment Consequences: Failure to pay the due service fee within the stipulated time may result in additional late fees, restricted access to our services, and other appropriate measures to recover the amount.

Acceptance: By using the Price Checker Service, you indicate your acceptance of these terms and any updates or modifications made to them. We reserve the right to change or modify these terms at any time.